It can be frustrating, and often time consuming, to report your claim to ICBC after you’ve been in an accident or experienced a vehicle break-in or hit and run. All you want to do when you’ve had the misfortune of making a claim, is have your car fixed. That’s where ICBC Express Claims come in. Some estimates are no longer required to take place at a claim centre, you can skip that step all together if you take your vehicle to an ICBC accredited c.a.r. shop VALET repair facility. We’re happy to say that all Quality Assured Collision and Glass shops have been accredited in the ICBC c.a.r. shop VALET program.
When you’ve been in an accident, it’s important to contact ICBC in order to report your claim and assess the damage to your vehicle so you can figure out the cost of any repairs that need to be made. After reporting your claim over the phone or online, ICBC will direct you to either a claim centre or an accredited shop. They’ll let you know if you are eligible to go directly to an auto body shop. If you are eligible and decide to go the route of an accredited shop, we can do the estimate for you and save you the step of having to schedule a visit to a claim centre.
Don’t forget! If you are eligible for an Express Claim, it’s important that you keep note of your claim number because you will need to present it to the accredited c.a.r. shop VALET repair facility when you go for your estimate, along with your insurance. You will need to give your claim number and insurance registration number when you contact us so that we can download the estimate file and start processing your claim.
The ICBC Express Claim Program started in 2002 and was introduced to benefit victims of car collisions. It allows you to save a trip to an ICBC claim centre and get your repair done quicker. It can be difficult to schedule an appointment at a claim centre, and if you miss your appointment, or need to reschedule, it is often the case that you’re looking at another 7 day wait. And once your appointment at the claim centre is over, you have to schedule an appointment with a repair shop to get the work done! Being able to get an ICBC approved estimate done at a collision repair shop can save you valuable time.
All ICBC accredited c.a.r. shop VALET repair facilities meet all ICBC standards, and are trusted to provide quality estimates to all customers. From Vancouver to Prince George, there are 13 accredited Quality Assured locations in British Columbia. Having this accreditation means that we guarantee our repairs for as long as you own your vehicle. We provide quality service to all customers and aim to accommodate any needs you may have.
All Quality Assured Collision and Glass take pride in the work we do and are happy to help you with any estimates you have after being in an accident. No longer will you have to wait for a busy claim centre to have an open spot for you before you call us to make an appointment! We look forward to hearing from you—please contact your closest location to schedule an Express Claim appointment.